Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 9:39 PM |  
Note to self: Some things needs to be left to the professionals.

I was feeling that the current set of exercises to relief my symptoms were not effective and had been trying some new exercises.... bad move. 

After my pergas class, which was awesome (new year, new people), I started to feel feverish and shivering. I have been constantly feeling on the verge of fever the last couple of weeks. So I ended up spending my late afternoon in bed feverish and shivering. 

That was the second time I shivered like crazy due to TOS. The first one was last year... that was even worse to a point that enough was enough.... I had to do an MRI.

I am feeling pretty alright now. I feel like something got washed out of my system with that bout of shivering. But still, I shall return to the old stretching exercises... maybe add new ones incrementally. Preferably with advise of a PT or an OT. 

Shivering like that also reminded me of Surah al-Muzzamil(orang yang berselimut). This was of course a reference to Rasulullah who was shivering in fear after the voice of angel Jibril. That tafsir class (i think 2-3 years ago) really touched me. Especially since I was just starting to get acquainted with NYPMS. There are many lessons we can learn from the surah.... I shall just name one. 

Its regarding the few people who wake up at night to pray and supplicate to Allah. Qiyamullail was made fardhu to Rasulullah and his companions for the first one year. This taught them discipline and resilience for the coming trials. We can learn from this in that we need to prepare ourselves and build up our resilience to challenges to come. I also learn that in this world, by Allah's will, there is a concept of cause and effect. Indeed if there isn't such a concept, man will be in a constant state of confusion not knowing what to make head of tails of things. If you want to achieve something, you will need to go through a certain process. Going through this process will require patience. And always remember that Allah is with those who are patient. Wallahu'alam.

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