Friday, December 14, 2007 at 5:57 AM |  
After today, 2 weeks of term break begins. Yay!! Time to wind down a little and catch up on school work, freelance work and nypmsn. Big Bro is getting married tomorrow. Sekejap lagi sedara2 dah start datang untuk rewang. I did my fair share of helping out with designing invitation cards and posters. Could have helped out more in the printing part more though. Will play another part tomorrow as saksi and most probably handling of guests and whatever else.

Why am I blogging at this hour? Didnt sleep last night.. had to finish up scanning of drawing assignment. Yup, it's finally done. Had a short nap in the afternoon yesterday though. Later today would probably be another long day, hopefully not entirely work.

Though the week had been hectic, I believe that there is time for everything if you set some time for Allah. By everything here, I mean proper management of time for different things. I can safely say I can feel the sweetness of reading once again. Reading time is relaxing time. Like I said, there is time for everything.
Posted by Firdaus