Monday, September 13, 2010 at 7:36 AM | 0 comments  
Its a season of celebrations but let's not make ramadan go to waste. I take the momentum of a renewed vigour to scour the lands for a new job. My current contract will expire in less than 3 months. There is an option to extend my contract but I am hoping to move on and finally land a job in my line by then. Working extra hard to finish up my new portfolio site for prospective employers.
Posted by Firdaus
Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 11:19 PM | 0 comments  
I've been commuting to work and back on the MRT. NEL takes me to my workplace pretty fast. Morning city traffic is always best avoided together with those ERP gantries. All week I've been standing in the train and watch with fascination people who have mastered the art of balancing on the train without holding to anything.

Flat feet hurts and my back suffers when I tried emulating the balancing act. I can do it at the expense of comfort. I'll hold on to railings if I could help it. Crowd sucks and I only got to be seated once which was on last Friday, since work dismisses 30 min earlier.

And so I was seated. I caught my own reflection on the glass panel across me. Never did I realize how bad my posture was. My right shoulder drooped much lower than I thought. Having caught myself, I tried to position myself to a better posture.

I've slacked a lot. I thought I've improved quite a fair bit but that was a reminder of how much further I still need to through. Can I ever dare to dream of the dream job. I rejected a more permanent job prospect. I took up the temp job thinking that I can land that dream job by the end of my contract.

Health is important no matter what. I just have to keep working on it. If it means that I get that dream job by the end of my current contract, that is just the cherry on top of the icing. For certain, I cannot keep forsake steady income while chasing the dream for much longer.

Of course, I am grateful for other things in life. Just that, one's job is a huge chunk of one's life.

Have a blessed month of Rejab.
Posted by Firdaus
Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 11:38 PM | 0 comments  
Starts work tomorrow. Prays that everything will go well. 6 months contract.
Posted by Firdaus Labels:
Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 12:23 AM | 0 comments  
Options are good. It gives one a false impression that one has control over his life....at least to a certain extent.

I want to have a real taste of working in the animation industry. Nerve issues(the physical type) is still holding me back. Getting better but still not quite there yet. I am better to a point that I've slacked and not doing the recommended exercises. Its the final mile.

Getting too old to make a name in the industry and yet I still have trouble specializing since I love doing quite a range of stuffs.

I want to start a business, but so does everyone else. It seems that this is the only way to redeem myself after an treading on an unorthodox path. I am starting to feel okay at the idea that I only do design/animation for leisure. What matters most is that I find an outlet to contribute to my personal causes.

Malaysia's Les Copaque would be a no.1 choice but they only accept Malaysians... then again, I haven't really tried. I want to polish up my demoreel within these 6 months and give it a shot at sending out an application.

Option 1 is to take a another diploma with WDA subsidy.... work fully on my demoreel while getting paid some money.

Option 2 is to take up the job at CNB, the pay is not maximal as compared to what I can possibly get in my industry... but I am thankful nonetheless that I got it. 6 months temporary position. With the freedom redetermine my future after that.

Option 3 is to wait and take up a better paying job(pending results from interviews) that may take up my leisure time to do other things.

Its not really options since I'm almost certain that I'll take option 2 with the consideration of other things happening.
Posted by Firdaus
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 11:35 AM | 0 comments  

Demoreel | Firdaus Ab Latif from Firdaus Ab Latif on Vimeo.

I thought it was over but I'll be returning to school to complete our FYP. I agree with the lecturers that it would be a waste to leave the animation hanging as it has a lot of potential. I'll continue working on it until I get a job. That sounds like a decent arrangement for now.

Results are out and my paltry GPA has been computed, a reflection of bad decisions I made when faced with adversity. I pulled out way too late. I am however, forever thankful for the moral support of friends who helped me stay in the course of getting my diploma. I had never expected it to have been this hard to get that diploma. The most important thing now is to remember the lessons I've learned from all this. Sadly, I still forget at times.

I'd like to start working immediately but job hunting will be a new chapter of new challenges for me.

I'm available for freelance work. Flash animation, graphic design, poster designs, 3d modeling. Check out www.feer.co.cc. I cannot update the website since the server is down for upgrade but it is still worth checking the site out.
Posted by Firdaus Labels: ,
A work in progress of Kuchiki Rukia. Decided to do a digital piece with my left hand for the heck of it.... ended up switching to my right hand for about 50% of the line work. The coloring all done with left hand. Kudos to me. My left hand is becoming more adept in such task. Speed has gone up. Accuracy has gone up.

I am thankful for every limb that I have. Will continue working on this... some work on the upper torso, one eye looks slightly skewed. Add highlights and shadows and I should be done.
Posted by Firdaus Labels: ,
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 10:06 PM | 0 comments  
Ikigai is a japanese term which means the reason of being. The reason to wake up in the morning for. That purpose that makes living to an old ripe age worth living.

I am in a dire need of redefining my own ikigai. Last Monday, I gave up hoping that I can work in the design/animation line full time in the near future.

Next week will be my final week in polytechnic. I am relieved for that. But that does not eliminate the fact that there are still things to be done in this short period of time. After that, I'll have a month to prepare for the students' graduation where we showcase our works for prospective employers. The fact that I have given up makes the whole thing seem mundane. I'll still put in some effort for I have hopes of doing this on a freelance basis for now.

This is not the kind of ending that I had hoped for. I had imagined the end as a huge relieve and ecstasy. I am sure it will a huge relieve, but there will be no celebration for job hunting began months ago for me. I tried applying for a teaching position in MOE and ICA. Went for both interviews, alas I will have to face more interviews before I clinch a job.

To quit hoping with slightly more than a month before the day.... well I can say that I gave it a good fight. There were countless times that I gave up the dream but came back hoping shortly after. Holding on the the dream has been taxing to me but I kept holding on for I have learnt in what seemed to me as my previous life. I had learnt in that life that, to lose hope of a dream is to be a walking dead. Lifeless.

Having said that, is this really giving up? No, it's not. It's definitely not losing hope of the rahmat of Allah. The struggles these past years may not have ended me with a dream job in the close future. But, it ended me with a diploma and 2 extra years worth of lesson in patience and perseverance. And for that hope of my dream job.... maybe it'll rise up from the ashes as a phoenix brighter than before.

Life is a journey, not a destination. I am exactly where I am supposed to be now. The following Bon Jovi song sums things up nicely.

Posted by Firdaus