Friday, October 5, 2007 at 1:47 AM |  
Animation has sort of taken a back seat for me for a while. Been trying out other stuffs to get that perfect balance out of life. School will be opening school and it feels like I am returning back to reality somewhat.

The challenges ahead....

I see animation very differently now. I see it as a tool to my bigger purpose in life.

I was reading the papers. It's about the comic "The 99". Read about it some time ago and now its being sold in Indonesia for S$3 for each issue. I do not agree with the whole 99 thing. The story is such that, there are 99 noor stones will give man superpowers.

It is based on the 99 names of Allah which are also His attributes. Whoever bears the stones will gain the superpower similar to Allah's attribute.

I tried searching for my akidah book to confirm this.... but will have to rely on my memory for now. Correct me if I'm wrong, one cannot be named after the 99 names like the characters, Jabbar and Sami'. Instead one can be named as such only with a prefix of Abdul which means servant of. So it should be Abdul Jabbar and Abdul Sami' instead.

There are attributes of of Allah that as humans, we can strive to emulate. But there are attributes that solely belongs to Allah. One can sense that something is not quite right just by a quick browse of the comic. The female superheros are not even covered up. The whole fantasy story might do harm to the akidah of the muslim youths who reads such books. It sounds almost hypocritical for me to say that this fantasy world will do harm. I grew up with influence of fantasy of cartoon world and even enjoying them. However, I have come to understand that they are also a form of distraction.

Pretty screwed that I chose to pursue animation as a career. Not quite. I do still have choices. Let's now talk about Malaysian animation. I feel that Malaysia's animation is on the rise. First there was Saladin. Now there's Upin and Ipin by Les' Copaque. Upin and Ipin is a light hearted animation fit for the family. The kind that I would love making. It's encouraging to see fellow Malays doing these things. It's giving me the drive to pick animation back up where I left it. Singapore is cool with its democracy system and all, but one cannot deny the race connection. It's currently being played on malaysian cable TV9. But of course, there's youtube.

A clip for this Ramadhan.
Posted by Firdaus Labels: ,


Nurilhansiz said...

Hey..Cool annimation..and very funny...reminds me when i was younger

October 6, 2007 at 6:35 AM  
Firdaus said...

Very cool indeed.

October 10, 2007 at 2:18 AM