Monday, August 27, 2007
1:39 AM
I was watching national geographic last Sunday about telepathy. It covered on remote viewing as well. Remote viewing is the ability to view something at the other side of the world by concentrating on the coordinates. Remote viewing became a method of intelligence gathering by the American military. The project is claimed to be closed down after 20 years. In my opinion it is probably another disinforming ploy. Disinforming is a term UFO conspiracy theorists use to describe when the governing tell half truths and wrap it with lies. Then takes back what they said and come up with some other reason. Basically, the idea is just to confuse the public so that they will eventually dismiss the whole thing as a myth. No, I am not saying that aliens exist. They are probably jinns or syaithans. I have a personal opinion that the government of the syaithan is where the Bermuda triangle is.
These are not new to me. It's the kind of things that I read about 10 years ago(i am so old). I get myself absorbed in UFOs, conspiracy theories, teleportation experiments like the Philadelphia Project. Werewolves and other creatures were also pet subjects.
Then I moved to different phases where I concentrated on different kind of books. There was self-development, psychology, html, michael crichton books and martial arts among others.
I suppose I did that to satisfy my inner world where I'm most comfortable with. I was looking for something to fill the void inside. It was a search without an end. Apparently I was looking for the wrong things. Alhamdulillah, I know better now. Now I get fascinated by science and the Quran. The history of Rasulullah and his companions. Life has to be balanced, we have to seek both duniawi (world) and ukhrawi (hereafter). Even when we seek for duniawi it has to be with the intention of doing it for Allah. Only then will life be blessed.
I know better now but trying to escape from shadows of the past can still be a pain.
"Wahai Tuhanku, yang menukar-balikkan hati. Balikkanlah hati kami untuk taat kepada-Mu." (Muslim)
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
6:26 PM
Stringing words into sentences is a magical thing. It's amazing how scribblings on a piece of paper is able to convey a message, an emotion. Stringing words into lyrics of a song and poems is an art in itself. Whether or not the outcome becomes a positive influence to others is another question.
Writing a piece of poetry on a piece of paper is like blogging. It is making a statement from within the self and becomes engraved on paper or cyberspace for other beings to see. Like blogging, it is a form of expression. It is like saying,"Been there done that, so judge me.... i don't care."
'i don't care' is in red because this is not true most of the times. What it is really shouting for is for the connection with a fellow human being. It is like saying, "I am human too.... you know what I'm saying."
What makes a particular song, a painting, a photograph or a piece of poetry so endearing? It is because they are able to capture the emotion at that particular moment and make that connection with the person listening to the song or appreciating that piece of art. At times, the real emotion the creator expressed is not what you experience when you appreciate that piece of work. And it doesn't matter.
So here's a piece of carefully selected of poetry I wrote. Carefully selected because it is only as much that I am willing to risk exposing while quietly wishing to make a connection with whoever will be reading it.
I hope that life is better When tomorrow comes I would plan and plan But the results don't come out I wonder why my life sucks But all I could do is sigh I've tried and I still try To make things work But it's still the same No matter the work I always try to have happy thoughts Like the way I felt the day I fell in love* Just when I thought I was about to fly Reality slaps hard on my face I hope and I hope that there will be hope For those who hope just to cope
18 June 1999
* love here simply means the crushes that i had, nothing more
I can't believe that I am telling the world that I used to write poems. Think of it more as songwriting or whatever. It will seem cooler that way. These are very rap worthy. Try rapping it out.
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
10:48 PM
Ukhuwah is an annual sports, tele-match kind of event. We came as defending champions. Well, there were only 3 of us from the last year's team. We were all from the same PERGAS class except for one, my brother. One went off to Mekah to study. One is in national service. One decided to be a volunteer for the day, therefore did not participate. The other one completed studies from PERGAS already(imported player). Then, they had to split us up into different teams. The participants were split into 4 groups. Haziq was in group 1. Taufik was in group 4. I was in group 2, Team Dubai. Someone in my group changed places with Haziq so we ended in the same team.
We managed to complete all the games this year as it did not rain. It was fun. I believe we were leading until it was time for the final game, tug-of-war. We ended up last for that particular game. I did my best and I have rope burns to prove it. Taufik's group was the winning team. So, in a way we defended our title. Our group came in second. The class spirit element was missing but it is something that will eventually happen with the high mortality rate of the course.
Azhar was there too. What can I say, there's always next year. I'm sure you had fun. Team Bahrain was the most kecoh(havoc). No prizes for that.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
1:17 AM
Wednesday's meeting was different. I had to tell eventually. It is something that people will eventually find out and I cannot go on concealing it.
Telling also means that people will probe for the reason. Forcing me to learn the things I should know by now.
Telling also means that people, being people, will start to form a different idea of me. It would be great to please everyone but it is humanly impossible. The better stand is to adopt the concept of mardhatillah(blessings of Allah). Whereby everything you do is for Allah. Life will become very focused.
This event becomes another memory in my head. It will be something that I compare against with my future experiences in life. My topic for today is change. We shall now go into why people adopt a particular set of behaviour in the first place. The memory, like the event that I had, is kept in the neurons in the brain. This particular memory then links to the previous experiences like a huge mind map. Feelings also get tied to memory. Basically, a certain set of memory will trigger the brain to instruct the body to release certain chemicals to the body that will create that sensation of happiness, sadness, love or any other emotion.
Why do people develop habits? Well, people are addicted to positive feelings and will want to avoid the negative ones as much as they can. When a particular kind of action is done again and again the pathways or bridges between the neurons get very strong. It is this connection that develop habits and is the same reason why people will feel a resistance against change. It is the mere act of trying to break these bridges that make change difficult.
Now imagine trying to break that bridges that has been fortified through 20 over years. Daunting... but not impossible. Just create a new set of experiences. It is only scary at that particular moment. You can give yourself a break after that.
The trick is to do it anyway even though it is hard. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Do something that scares you everyday."
I suppose that is how one can change himself and develop his character. I want to make this part of personal development. I will do something that scare me, maybe just once a week for now. Insyaallah.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
11:24 PM
A name is something that you live by for the rest of your life. It's something that one are labelled with. I grew up having a dislike to my name. Heck, I disliked practically everything about myself when growing. Firstly its a name that non-native tongues find difficult to articulate. So, I would have to correct whenever someone tries to pronounce my name. For the last time, it's pronounced as (feer-da-os). Feer as in can you feel the feer. Da as in da(h). Os as in, not 1 O but 2 O's. Most of the times, I would not really bother. As long as it sounds okay to me.
With this name, I learnt to facilitate my teachers whenever they are checking for attendence. I would memorize whose name was before me and raise my hand when the teacher tried to say out my name. I know they appreciate that.
Didnt help either that there are 83749256 other Firdauses around. There's always another Firdaus around somewhere wherever I go.
As a kid, I found that the name was not funky enough. I felt it was old fashioned. I grew out of that phase and learnt to appreciate the name that my parents gave me when I learnt the meaning of my name. I also had an assumption that my name was spelled wrongly as I had a classmate named Firdhaus. In arabic, its the the letter dha instead of dal. Well, for all the Firdhauses out there, tough luck. You got your name spelled wrongly. I checked, that's not how it is spelled in the Quran. Having said that, I just checked my jawi(sort of arabic) spelling on my IC and realised that my jawi spelling is so wrong.
For those not in the know, Firdaus is the name of one of the heavens. I let that be a motivation in my life for the after-life. My name is Firdaus and it's a beautiful name. I recently found out from a Nigerian friend that Firdaus is a common name for the fairer gender in Nigeria. Well, I am still Firdaus and happy with it.
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random musings
Sunday, August 12, 2007
11:19 AM
Yesterday, we went to Sentosa to recce the place for NYPMSN's upcoming event.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
2:58 PM
Hmm... I suppose everyone has their own reasons for blogging.
As for me, well, I am done hiding a big part of me to myself. Carrying a secret around is a burden to the soul. Of course, some secrets are meant to be kept forever. For now, I am still more comfortable with typing out words than expressing them in spoken words. That is something I am continuously working on though. I let this blog be my words if they are left unspoken.
I don't want this blog to be seen as my cry for help to the world. It is here for people to understand me more. However if you feel you can help me in certain areas of my life, feel free to do so. I am still a student of life and I believe we should all help one another. Helping out others in areas we are strong at should be the way of life. We are made differently so that we may complement one another.
I am blogging because I see a positive potential in it. Reading some blogs has inspired me. I hope I can to the same to others. At this very moment, I still see myself at a training stage of my life preparing for something big that will come in my way. I do not know what it is yet and that is why I have be prepared.
I guess I am ready for the big reveal of this blog. I already have an alter-ego cartoon character of me drawn. No fancy blogskin for now. No time for that....gotta make up for lost time. For now I leave by saying,"Hello World!"
Sunday, August 5, 2007
11:30 AM
Yesterday, I started the day by meeting a representative of Al-Huda mosque. Al-Huda intends to make an iftar collaboration with NYPMSN. I was briefed how the event would run. With a little more planning things should go as planned insyaallah. My main concern is to get the number of youths who would participate in this particular event.
We were thinking of having another iftar, but I am having a little reservation if we should have it. Unless it's another collaboration, I fear that we may not have enough manpower.
Then I left for the Ngee Ann Poly for a talk organised by NPMSS. Its a talk titled, 'I'm proud to be a Muslim and a Poly student.' It was another one of those think big, think of the future kind of motivational talks. I love those kind of talks. It recharges me to think big of my own future.
I also asked the question that had bogged me down for so long. Prior to this talk, I had already made up my mind that animation is okay. It's just that I will be restricted from doing a lot of things; which to me still sucks cause it means that I would never seen as the best(perfectionist trait of mine). But I supposed that I could make it work by being the best in my area, for educational purposes and mainly kids.
In the talk, Ustaz Haron was saying that we should take our learning as learning the knowledge of Allah. Back to my question, I was relating that our government is supporting new media and if muslims could be animators(I am concerned about the hukum for drawing living objects). I resisted from asking this question to any ustazs before this as I would need to ask opinions from other ustazs before coming to my conclusions and I expected that there would be 2 different answers which eventually lead to my own decision. But I had to ask the question this time as the topic was pretty much related to what I had to ask.
But what I failed to realise was that these ustazs would have more knowledge to base their final conclusion on, unlike me. I make my decisions only based on my limited experience and knowledge.
I got an answer which pleased me and put my mind at ease. He pulled out a point which I had missed totally. It's back to the intention. If a person draws something with the intention to outdo Allah's creation, then it would be haram. It is agreed by contemporary ulamaks that if the animation is done with the intention of good, then it is permissible. And I have to agree that the media is a very powerful tool in which, we, as muslims can spread the light of the truth. Once again I felt recharged but there would still be restrictions that I would have to abide to as an animator.
I was also inspired to continue my fight in life when he was saying that he was from secular school but was learning about the religion at the same time. I have come to a conclusion that I should work just as hard for my religious knowledge as to my secular academics. Only then would I be balanced and not be fooled by the materialistic world. And so, I reaffirmed my believe in a balanced pursuit for knowledge. (Azhar's father was saying the same thing about an ustaz friend of his back at Al-Huda mosque earlier). And he was also saying that he was reading at least a book a day. Reading, something that I wish to pick up again at a regular basis.
After the talk, I went back and got ready to go for my tahfiz class. The rest of the day had been inspiring, but I was put to a challenge this time round. I felt that I had tried had to memorize for the week. But somehow, it did not seem to show in the class. Maybe, I was already feeling drained and sleepy. I thought to myself: The concept of pursuing for religious knowledge is both noble and beautiful but the actual process would be a challenge. I just have to be patient about it.
After class, I slipped in a talk that was going on by Ustaz Ahmad Dahri. He was probably concluding the topic about changing ourselves to be better. He was touching on the part of 3 types of patient. I thought to myself, I have to be patient in the choice that I made. I take it as an ibadah and one must be patient in ibadah(this got me thinking of my tahfiz class). He was also saying that if one wants to get his television fixed, he would find a professional to fix for him. When it comes to religion, I should also find an expert to help him out(this got me thinking about the question I asked at the talk).
I enjoy having one of the days whereby lessons are put right in front of you. It makes you think and you feel guided by Him. Of course, you must set in your heart that intention of seeking knowledge for the sake of Allah.
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
8:16 PM
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for me
Time is a concept that a man has to live by. As a muslim, one has to use his time wisely. He needs to know how to divide his time for different things. Finding the balance of doing things is something that every individual has to search for himself. Skills can be taught but the process must experienced by the person himself.
Fools get trapped in time by thinking about the past which they no longer have control of. Fools also fear too much of the uncertainty of tomorrow. I was a fool once. Alhamdulillah, I no longer dwell on my past and try to better myself everyday. Going through life is like riding a bike. You have to check for your rear mirror once in a while(past). You will have to see far(future) to see what is in you path. In the end the only control that you have is the handles in your hand(present).
Islam has a beautiful concept of living with regard to time. To make today better than yesterday. If one tries hard to live by this, his future will be a bright one. Insyaallah.
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