Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 2:58 PM |  
Time is a concept that a man has to live by. As a muslim, one has to use his time wisely. He needs to know how to divide his time for different things. Finding the balance of doing things is something that every individual has to search for himself. Skills can be taught but the process must experienced by the person himself.

Fools get trapped in time by thinking about the past which they no longer have control of. Fools also fear too much of the uncertainty of tomorrow. I was a fool once. Alhamdulillah, I no longer dwell on my past and try to better myself everyday. Going through life is like riding a bike. You have to check for your rear mirror once in a while(past). You will have to see far(future) to see what is in you path. In the end the only control that you have is the handles in your hand(present).

Islam has a beautiful concept of living with regard to time. To make today better than yesterday. If one tries hard to live by this, his future will be a bright one. Insyaallah.
Posted by Firdaus Labels: