Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 11:44 AM |  
Labels. We all live with labels. We grow into some labels naturally. Some labels are put upon us by others just as we have a tendency to label others. Then there are labels that we give to our own selves.

A label is an identity. An identity becomes the essence of who you are as a person. A label can be good or bad. Sometimes, people around you positively label you. Unknown to them, it becomes a pressure to meet the expectations of others. It makes you wish that they had not known that part of you.

However, if you take the pressure positively, things will turn out fine. The important thing is to try. Don't be upset if you fail to meet their expectations, to please everyone is impossible. However, to please Allah and attain His blessings is actually possible.

Then there are the negative labels from others. The best way to fight this is to turn a deaf ear. Easier said than done. But we should still try and don't allow others to limit us.

And if you are ever thinking labelling yourself negatively........STOP! It's a trap. Eject, eject!!

Then there are the positive labels that you put upon yourself. It's just as pressurizing as positive labels from others but you do it as food for your soul. That's what I did in my Pergas class last week.

Each student was supposed find about science and al-Quran by picking out an ayat(sentence). I did a demo using the Harfiyah system to translate. The rest of my presentation was bad. Well, I had iftar to worry about and a test to sit (excuses).

Well, little things like these don't bother me anymore. Not as much anyway. Alhamdulillah.

I felt obliged to share probably because it's the blessed month of Ramadhan. The month of Nuzul Al-Quran. It's a joy to know the meaning of what you are reading. Its been close to 3 years of studying to translate the Quran with the Harfiyah system.

A Harfiyah proponent. That's my new label. For the most of us who don't speak arabic, this system is good at bridging our understanding of the Al-Quran. I must remind that we should not take the translation of the Al-Quran to our own interpretations. We should always refer to the many tafseer books around for a better understanding.

I still have a lot to learn, though. One would assume I have learnt a lot in 3 years. Well, I should have. It's a weekly class of 1 hour plus each. I did most of the learning in the class itself when I should be revising everyday. I suppose it's the barakah of istiqamah that makes me want to take this to a different level.

My ustaz continuously reminds us that we must have a desire in us to learn the Quran and teach it to others. I want to move into the teaching part. But I shall start by pointing out to others the direction. There's a class on Tuesday nights which just began. I want to join this class as a refresher. Anybody care to join? I will need to plan my timetable though to see if this could work out nicely when the new term starts.
Posted by Firdaus Labels: ,